
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rock Types

The rock cycle started with the molten rock that made up the early surface of planet Earth. Igneous rocks are produced when molten rock cools and solidifies. When exposed at the earth's surface, the rock is broken down into tiny particles of sediment by weathering and erosion. The sediment is gradually buried by more sediment and subjected to higher pressure and temperature. It eventually hardens into sedimentary rock. The rock cycle is completed it melts and forms a magma again. Igneous and sedimentary rocks can become metamorphic rocks if they are buried deeply enough or are affected by plate tectonic processes. Metamorphic rocks exposed at the surface will also weather to form sedimentary deposits.


Metamorphic rock- Rock change by heat and pressure.

Magma/lava- Molten rock found inside the volcano.

Solidification- Magma became solid by cooling.

Igneous rock- Rocks formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten materials.

Weathering- Breaking rock into pieces.

Erosion- Pieces rock get transported.

Sediment- To form or deposit sediment.

Compaction- Compress of sediment.

Cementation- the heating of two substances in contact in order to effect some change in one of them.

Sedimentary rock- Many sand combine together.

Rock Types

Igneous intrusive- Cooling inside the volcano with big crystals.

Igneous extrusive- Cooling outside the volcano with small crystals.

Sedimentary(Clastic)- breaking up into fragments.

Sedimentary(Crystalline)- Liquid evaporates and formed crystal.

Metamorphic(Foliated)- The rock have lines, with layer in the surface.

Metamorphic(Non-Foliated)- The rock have no lines, with no layer in the surface.

Crystal & Minerals

Mineral properties-

1.Crystal- a solid formed of a chemical things.

2.Properties- the properties of substance or object are behaves particular condition.

3.Mineral- a solid substances in nature having a chemical composition.

4.Color- the object what's the look like.

5.Streak- line, a marking of  different color or texture from the background.

6.Hardness- the thing very hard, strong.

7.Cleavage- the thing look like evenly.

8.Fracture- the thing look like unevenly.

9.Composition- a way in which someone or something is composed.

10.Luster- Metallic: look like metal. Non- metallic: not looks like metal.

Mineral Identification-


Color: Colorless to yellow
Luster: Nonmetallic
Cleavage: Breaks evenly
Hardness: 2.5
Streak: White
Composition: NaCI


Color:Colorless or variable
Luster: Nonmetallic luster
Cleavage: Breaks evenly
Hardness: 7
Streak: White
Composition: SiO2